Is now used as a therapeutic laughter through hormone secretion and strengthen immunity. After several bouts of laughter increases white blood cells in the blood. Laughter helps to strengthen the muscles of the face, abdomen and blood circulation in the heart, leading to raise blood pressure and increase the proportion of oxygen in the blood and children's clinics there is a clown.
When a person laughs moving muscle in 17 and 80 face the whole muscle in the body and breathing getting faster.
Laughter and body:
Heart: Numerous studies say that laughter protects the heart, and so indirectly and explanation behind it that the pressure of mental cause an imbalance lining the garrison of the blood vessels, and soon to be affected by this lining resulting in a number of reactions from infections that lead to the accumulation of cholesterolon the wall of the coronary arteries and the final result of a heart attack. More about cholesterol .. As explains, "Steve Soltanov" felt the American Association of treatment with laughter: "When the laughs human heart secretes the hormone cortisol (a hormone that is secreted when the human being under the influence of pressure) lack of, so when the human being in the case of the pressure and deals with these pressures laughter reduces the rate of excretion of the body the hormone cortisol. "It also says "Soltanov": "that laughter increases the likelihood of human pain, strengthens the body through the secretion of antibodies that fight infection and prevent hardening of the arteries, and then humans angina or heart attack
Fitness: say scientists that laughter is a hundred times equals in effect making in physical activity (exercise on the wheel for about 15 minutes).Laughter is running the diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial muscles, legs and back.
Strengthen muscles: In addition to the many advantages of human laughter, it strengthens the abdominal muscles. He says the world "Gard VIP Cohen" Jared B. Cohen, who conducted several laboratory experiments to laugh, that: "The laughter helps not only the heart, but it also helps the beauty of the body and appearance." There are some people that believe that laughter and a very easy and inexpensive and painless to maintain the beauty of where human help to tighten the abdominal muscles and non Atralha. He told about (14) of the patients (15) were subjected to experiments "Cohen" that laughter is already better than some exercise. And laughter to be effective, must be the person continues to smile for a period of (30) seconds until at least feel a sense of simple combustion. In spite of that laughter is way Alzivh the alternative sport, but it is always recommended the need to exercise as possible.
Increase the immune
Works laughter at the same time to increase the hormones that works to improve the overall health, Kalandrovens. It also works to increase the number of cells producing antibodies. This means strengthening the immune system, while reducing the impact on the body physically as a result of exposure to the tension. Which leads to better disease resistance.
Physical and emotional relaxation
The obvious positive effects on the body after the laughter feeling relaxed physical and emotional together, note that after the laughter muscles remain relaxed for about 45 minutes.
Internal exercises do not feel
Did you know you play sports during the laughter? requires some internal exercise that occurs automatically without that we feel.deep working on tightening the diaphragm, is also working on the contraction of the abdominal muscles. It also helps to exercise the muscles in the shoulder, then on more than normal after the completion of laughter.
Get rid of negative emotions
Laughter Asttna the some of the negative feelings, arousal such as anger, guilt, and tension. It also makes us more able to deal with the problems.
Laughter provide the body with energy
Laughter faster deadly weapon for the pain and tension, there is no any way rebalance the body and mind faster than laughter, it strengthens and makes us hope we communicate with others easily and increases concentration. The result is the ability to innovate and problem-solving therapy.
Laughter protects the heart
To laugh a direct impact on the health of the heart, it strengthens the function of blood vessels and improves blood flow, which helps to prevent the risk of cardiac crises and vascular diseases in general.
Laughter and mental health
Including that laughter reduces stress and increases relaxation, then your mental health improves. So as to increase the area of one's mind to see things more realistically and without exaggeration. And prevents decision-making under psychological pressure.